Seamless Presentations

I’ve used PowerPoint, Prezi, and Keynote and I’m still dreaming of an ideal presentation medium for teaching. My wishlist includes:

  • Being able to navigate gracefully to any point in the presentation (skip slides forward or back)
  • Include media clips seamlessly (this includes using YouTube videos without having to display YouTube’s comments(!!) or their recommended similar videos)
  • Zoom in on high-def images to full resolution to examine details
  • Allow for student interaction (either clicker-style or open-ended writing, generating graphs or word clouds from student responses on the fly).

I’d be interested in discussing how others have refined their presentations and what others would add to the wishlist.

Categories: General | 1 Comment

Facebook Group for Informal Learning and Stuff

Hello friends,

I hope that I am doing this correctly- I’ve read the email instructions twice to double check but there’s no guarantee that I’m doing this right (until someone says- hey, you’re doing this wrong).

So this will be my first unconference and first THATCamp as well.  I would like to throw out an idea however regarding some research that I am currently conducting to explore the use of a Facebook group for language learning/teaching purposes.  I’d love to provide a summary of my project and then get anyone’s feedback/comments/thoughts/suggestions about how to continue on with my research.

The research is part of my MA thesis for the Spanish Pedagogy program.  The title is “Pedagogical Exchange in a Common Digital Space.”

Looking forward to sharing and learning with everyone soon.


Categories: General | 3 Comments

Perl regex for Unicode

I work in the main library at BYU doing data manipulation. I recently finished a project where I went through the authority database and searched for every foreign (non-Latin), vernacular script. In other words, if the Cyrillic alphabet was used, we wanted to know. Same for Hebrew, Greek, etc. My problem came in figuring out how to read Unicode input into Perl and then use some of the more Unicode-specific regular expressions to parse the data.

I don’t know if a presentation is really in order on this (I don’t consider myself an expert, nor is there a large body of work to present on), but I figured that the information should get out there somehow, especially because there are not an abundance of online resources with the information. The gist of it is that you have to decode the input file first, then use your regex, and finally encode the output file. Nowhere except one place was I finding that information. So please let me know if this is something of interest, or if I should merely write a little blurb on it elsewhere and we can all move on with our lives.

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How to Teach DH?

How would you introduce the field of DH to undergraduates?  What history would you think essential for foundational thinking?  What examples of DH would best demonstrate the evolution from Humanities Computing?  What basic texts describe the fundamentals? What tools should be taught and what practice provided?

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