Seamless Presentations

I’ve used PowerPoint, Prezi, and Keynote and I’m still dreaming of an ideal presentation medium for teaching. My wishlist includes:

  • Being able to navigate gracefully to any point in the presentation (skip slides forward or back)
  • Include media clips seamlessly (this includes using YouTube videos without having to display YouTube’s comments(!!) or their recommended similar videos)
  • Zoom in on high-def images to full resolution to examine details
  • Allow for student interaction (either clicker-style or open-ended writing, generating graphs or word clouds from student responses on the fly).

I’d be interested in discussing how others have refined their presentations and what others would add to the wishlist.

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1 Response to Seamless Presentations

  1. Prezi is a nice option, though it may not be quite as precise or “fully-loaded” as you like.

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